Peace of Mind. | Wealth. | Security.
Sr. Insurance & Investment Consultant
Cell: 416-821-8050

Critical Illness Protection
Ask yourself....
“Is it possible that I can be diagnosed with cancer, or have a heart attack, or stroke within the next 6 months or longer?”
YES it is, therefore it is a good move to protect yourself with a lump sum tax-free benefit to help cover unexpected medical costs.
We Can Review your current Critical Illness Policy for FREE in person or over the phone.
OHIP does NOT pay for:
Your loss of income - Pay off your mortgage - Pay your bills - Pay your rent - Home modifications - Out of country treatments
Insurance premiums - car payments - your retirement investments etc.
Critical Illness plans offers complete coverage in the case of a critical illness, with the flexibility to meet specific client needs. When someone becomes critically ill, it can have a humongous impact on the quality of their life and the lives of family members. Critical Illness plans is fast and easy to underwrite and delivers the financial assistance clients need, so they can focus on getting better.
Critical Illness plans offer our clients a number of coverage options to find the right one for each individual lifestyle.
These include permanent coverage with level guaranteed premiums to age 75 or 100.
With our 4 illness basic plan, young families get coverage that fits with their lifestyle, either as term coverage or permanent coverage.
Flexible Return of Premium Option (attached riders available), meaning If You Never put in a claim, you can get all your premiums back starting at age 65 or at expiry of your plan.
4 Reasons to get Critical Illness coverage with Return of Premiums
Reason # 1
If you get diagnosed with one of the covered illness and satisfy the waiting period you will receive your benefit payout tax FREE.
Reason # 2
If you never put in a claim you can get all your premiums back starting at age 65..
Reason # 3
Your are covered either way, whether its towards the unexpected or saving for your golden years. Its a win - win
Reason # 4
Add your Return of Premiums to fund your retirement at age 65 or at policy expiry at age 75.
1. This basic plan covers the 4 most common critical illnesses:
Heart Attack
Coronary Artery Bypass
2. This full coverage plan covers 27* Critical Illness:
Aortic Surgery
Aplastic Anemia
Bacterial Meningitis
Benign Brain Tumor
Cancer (Life-Threatening)
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Dementia, including Alzheimer’s Disease
Heart Attack
Heart Valve Replacement or Repair.......
.... Continued
Kidney Failure
Loss of Independent Existence
Loss of Limbs
Loss of Speech
Major Organ Failure on Waiting List
Major Organ Transplant
Motor Neuron Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Occupational HIV Infection
Parkinson’s Disease and Specified Atypical Parkinsonism Disorders
Severe Burns
* Depending on carrier
Available on either of the other plans as an additional rider,
5 additional Juvenile illnesses (covered up to age 25)
Cerebral Palsy
Congenital Heart Disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Here is an example of a working person earning $50,000 a year income, with $250,000 in savings.
One spouse develops an illness either contributed to a disability or a critical illness and can no longer take care of themselves and need constant care 24 hours.
The other spouse would have to quit their job to take care of the other, what does this mean you ask?
The 1st year they just lost their yearly earnings of $50,000 and they will deplete their savings of $250,000 within 5 years.
On the 6th year what will happen to you?