Peace of Mind. | Wealth. | Security.
Sr. Insurance & Investment Consultant
Cell: 416-821-8050

The truth is....people don’t want to ask questions because it opens the door to......
1.This insurance person is going to hound me.
2.This insurance person now that he or she has my number they will not stop.
3.I don’t know what to ask or expect from his or her services.
Do the above apply to you?
If so...I took it upon myself to design this page called “Just Ask Me” Form Below
You can ask anything you want and I can guarantee that the above 1-2 will not happen.
# 3 I will deferentially help you with the following:
I don’t know or understand what a financial plan. My answer is “Just Ask Me”
I don’t understand how much coverage I should have to protect my family In case I die?
My answer is “Just Ask Me”
I don’t understand how to protect my income? My answer is “Just Ask Me”
I have or do not know anything on how to save for my retirement?
My answer is “Just Ask Me”

"Just Ask Me"
By using this "Just Ask Me" form, I will answer any of your questions via email and you have my word that I will not hound or harass you to purchase anything until you are truly comfortable with the answers and the process.
I have over 21 years experience in assisting my clients, and over the years my clients have referred me to many of their friends and family, so you can rest assure I will treat you with the respect you deserve.
Yours Truly;
John Rego